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Wagasa ~Japan crafts series~ / 和傘の魅力を英語で伝えてみよう
Wagasa(和傘) is a Japanese umbrella made of Japanese paper stretched over bamboo and soaked in vegetable oil. 和傘とは、竹に張った和紙に、植物油を染みこませたものを言います。 stretch over:ぴんと張る soak:浸す The umbrella was introdu... -
Edo-kiriko ~Japan crafts series~ / 江戸切子の魅力を英語で伝えてみよう
Edo-kiriko(江戸切子) is a traditional glass craft with delicate patterns created by skilled craftsmen. 江戸切子は、熟練の職人の手によって繊細な紋様が施された伝統的ガラス工芸です。 Only glass products made by hand by craftsmen who are m... -
Nambu Ironware(Nambu tekki) ~Japan crafts series~ / 南部鉄器の魅力を英語で伝えてみよう ~伝統工芸品シリーズ~
Morioka City's ironware culture blossomed in the Edo period with the development of the tea ceremony. 盛岡市の鉄器文化は、江戸時代、茶の湯の進展とともに花開きました。 development:発達、発展 Since its establishment in 1902, Iwachu(岩鋳... -
What kind of person was Ikkyu Sojun, the famous Japanese Zen monk?
Ikkyu Sojun(一休宗純) was a Zen Buddhist monk in the Muromachi period. When Ikkyu was 22 years old, he met Kaso Osho(華叟和尚) of Daitokuji Temple in Kyoto and became his apprentice. Ikkyu attained enlightenment under Kaso Osho. Duri... -
Let’s learn Japanese along with how to receive matcha green tea and Japanese sweets -tea ceremony- / 和菓子とお抹茶のいただき方を、英語で話してみませんか ~なぜ茶碗を2回まわすの?~ ~日本文化紹介シリーズ~
お茶会では、和菓子はお茶の前にいただきます。 At the tea ceremony, you eat sweets first and then tea. 和菓子をいただいたあとに口の中に残る甘さが、後にいただくお茶を更においしくします。 The sweetness of the sweets you eat first remains in ...