山本和華子(Wakako Yamamoto)– Author –
Are the Japanese non-religious? Approaching the Japanese view of religion!
The Japanese are often referred to as "non-religious." But that is a mistake.It can be said that it is difficult for Japanese people to visualize religion because they live while "feeling" religion rather than consciously "believing" it.... -
Why was the culture of “Emperor” born and raised in Japan?
Why was the culture of the emperor born and raised in Japan?First, in the Constitution of Japan, the emperor is interpreted as "a symbol of the country of Japan." It can be said that the Japanese emperor system has different characterist... -
世阿弥著『風姿花伝』入門 ~歴史から哲学、魅力まで~ ~日本文化紹介シリーズ~
みなさんこんにちは。 今日は、世阿弥の記した『風姿花伝』にはどんなことが書かれているのか、その要約を書いていこうと思います。 世阿弥は、室町時代に、猿楽役者である観阿弥の子として生まれました。 観阿弥の没後、観阿弥の一座を継いだ世阿弥は、猿... -
Who is Zeami? What is “Fushi-kaden”?
Hello everyone. Today, I would like to write a summary of what is written in "Fushi-kaden" written by Zeami, a Noh performer. Zeami was born in the Muromachi period. At that time, Zeami was under the patronage of Yoshimitsu Ashikaga, the... -
Eastern philosophy ~Zen~ Sect, history, teaching
I would like to introduce you to the history of Zen. History of Zen in China Zenjo is a training method to calm the mind, clarify the mind, and gain enlightenment. This word has been around since Buddha's enlightenment under the Bodhi tr... -
What is “Makura-no-Soushi”? One of Japan’s famous classical literature
"Makura-no-Soushi" is an essay established in the middle of the Heian period. The author is Sei Shonagon. Sei Shonagon seems to have had a rivalry with Murasaki Shikibu. The charm of "Makura-no-Soushi" is Objectively grasping thingsFresh... -
日本美術の特徴とは? 歴史や西洋美術との対比にも注目
みなさんこんにちは。 今日は、西洋美術と対比しながら、日本美術の特徴を見ていきましょう。 まず、日本美術の特徴を挙げていきたいと思います。 日本美術は、継承の美術 西洋美術には、既存の芸術を壊すことで、常に新しい価値を生み出す歴史があったそ... -
What is Japanese Kawaii culture?
Nowadays, I often hear the word Kawaii in the transmission of Japanese culture.Kawaii culture can be broadly divided into three types. 1, Akihabara's Otaku and MoeIt is a culture in which anime fans are devoted to girl characters and res... -
What is Japanese Otaku(geek) culture?
The word otaku first appeared in the early 1980s. Today, it's a word we hear on a daily basis, but in the 1980s there was a special sound that refers to the enthusiastic and closed enthusiasts of manga and anime.However, recently, it has... -
Why “Manga / Anime Culture” grew up in Japan?
Originally, Japan has a history of nurturing "detailed and elaborate sensibilities" such as waka poems, haiku, gardening, tea ceremony, and flower arrangement. In addition, the language of Japanese has its own characteristics.There are v...