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Wagasa ~Japan crafts series~ / 和傘の魅力を英語で伝えてみよう
Wagasa(和傘) is a Japanese umbrella made of Japanese paper stretched over bamboo and soaked in vegetable oil. 和傘とは、竹に張った和紙に、植物油を染みこませたものを言います。 stretch over:ぴんと張る soak:浸す The umbrella was introdu... -
What kind of person was Ikkyu Sojun, the famous Japanese Zen monk?
Ikkyu Sojun(一休宗純) was a Zen Buddhist monk in the Muromachi period. When Ikkyu was 22 years old, he met Kaso Osho(華叟和尚) of Daitokuji Temple in Kyoto and became his apprentice. Ikkyu attained enlightenment under Kaso Osho. Duri... -
What is the appeal of Japanese artist Koetsu Hon‘ami?
Koetsu Hon’ami is an artist who lived in the Edo period. Koetsu was born as the eldest son of a family whose family business was sword appraisal. Koetsu was active as a calligrapher, potter, and tea master. He is also known for creating ... -
Let’s learn about Fushimi-inari Taisha in Japanese! / 伏見稲荷大社の魅力を英語で伝えよう ~日本文化紹介シリーズ~
Fushimi Inari Taisha is the head shrine of Inari shrines enshrined all over Japan. 伏見稲荷大社は、全国各地に祀られている稲荷神社の総本宮です。 enshrined:安置する、祀られる Originally, Fushimi Inari Taisha was enshrined as the god of ag... -
Let’s learn about Kiyomizu temple in Japanese! / 清水寺の魅力を英語で伝えよう ~日本文化紹介シリーズ~
Kiyomizu temple has a history of about 1200 years and is also registered as a World Heritage Site. 清水寺は約1200年の歴史を持ち、また世界遺産にも登録されています。 The main hall, which is famous for "Kiyomizu's stage", is designated as a... -
Let’s learn about the types and characteristics of pottery used in tea ceremony utensils in Japanese! / 茶道具に使われる焼き物の種類と特徴について、英語で学んでみよう
Mino ware is a ceramic ware produced mainly in Gifu Prefecture. 美濃焼は、岐阜県を中心に焼かれている陶器です。 It has been fired in Gifu Prefecture since the 15th century. それは、15世紀から岐阜県で焼かれています。 Gifu Prefecture was or... -
Let’s learn Japanese along with the flower arrangement! / 華道の成り立ちや型、流派について、英語で学んでみよう ~日本文化紹介シリーズ~
Regarding the history of flower arrangement, it is generally believed that flower offerings to Buddha originated with the arrival of Buddhism in the 6th century, but in fact it has a much older history. 華道の歴史については、一般的には、... -
Let’s learn Japanese together with Japanese architectural styles, Tatami and Shoji! / 畳と障子の魅力と特徴を、英語で学んでみよう ~日本文化紹介シリーズ~
Tatami is a material best suited to Japan's climate and weather. 畳は、日本の気候や風土に最適な素材です。 suit to:ふさわしい Tatami was originally laid on wooden floors in the residences of aristocrats during the Heian period. 畳は元々... -
Hakone yosegi marquetry ~Japan crafts series~/ 箱根寄木細工の魅力を英語で解説してみよう ~伝統工芸品シリーズ~
箱根寄木細工は、神奈川県の箱根町でつくられている工芸品です。 Hakone marquetry is a craft made in Hakone-cho, Kanagawa Prefecture. marquetry:寄木細工 箱根町の山に生えている豊富な種類の木々のある地域だからこそ、彩りのある寄木細工が発展し... -
Learn the basics of the tea ceremony along with the Japanese language. / 茶道の基本を英語で学ぼう ~日本文化紹介シリーズ~
茶道の基本を、日本語と共に学びましょう。 Learn the basics of the tea ceremony along with the Japanese language. まず、お抹茶には、二種類あります。濃茶と薄茶です。最初に私たちは薄茶の点前のお稽古をし、そのあと、濃茶の点前のお稽古に移りま...